Episode Title:
Feeding Frenzy.
Episode Description:
When the Longs and Fu Dog attend a family reunion on the island of Florida, Jake got angry because he has to sit on the kids table while he is the oldest and because of his nuisance younger cousin Greggy got to sit at the adults table. Meanwhile, Grandpa is trying not to take Jonathan to the family reunion by dragging both of them in variety place across the country. At that time, a crime syndicate of shark terrorists, Tiberon and his gang, plotting to flood half of the continent by using the Poseidon's trident. But when Tiberon got the trident, Jake and Greggy go to follow them and together (mainly just Jake), they defeat him and get a hold of the trident. Return to the island, Greggy tell everyone about the fight and took all effort to him, which make Jake angry and fight him and lead to the entire family breaks out, while Grandpa and Jonathan finally make it to the reunion. Jonathan intervenes, saying this isn't how family is should act. And at the end, everyone (except Grandpa and Jonathan) have to sit at the kids table for the next dinner.