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Episode Description:
Three months earlier, in an unknown facility, a pair of women scientists, later recognized as Yumi Kusakabe and Eiga Kanmi, had mentored the birth of a clone of Mikoto, labelled Misaka 9982, installing memory functions via a capsule-like machine called Testament. Back in the present, Mikoto, who is feeling cheerful with the clone rumors being seemingly debunked, goes shopping with Kuroko and the others at the mall, helping Kazari and Erii buy a rice cooker whilst also picking out things for an upcoming school trip. The next day, as Mikoto ends up having nothing to do, some young children, including the girl whose bag she previously found, pick up on her boredom and have her play with them. Noticing one of the kids wearing a Gekota badge, Mikoto frantically goes through a whole bunch of capsule vendors in order to win one for herself. As the day comes to an end, Mikoto suddenly senses a power identical to her own and, upon chasing after its source, comes across Misaka 9982.