Episode Title:
Dawn of a Revolution (Silent Party).
Episode Description:
Aritomi reveals he started Project Chemicaloid, which created Janie and Febri due to his bitterness that espers gain fame and recognition while intellectuals like him are ignored. To finally show their power, STUDY found a way to mass-produce espers which will bring forth a revolution upon Academy City tomorrow. Later, Shinobu explains to Mikoto how she was sold to STUDY after being captured by ITEM and was forced to work on the Chemicaloids, which were born from her research, becoming determined to save them. Using her own electricity to counter the paralysis in her body, Mikoto assures Shinobu that she does not need to take everything on by herself. Kuroko and the others arrive to rescue Mikoto, whilst Shinobu chooses to stay behind in order to do her part. After learning that 20,000 mechs, controlled by Janie's Diffusion Ghost ability, have been snuck into the Academy City Research Exhibition Assembly, with the Anti-Skills prevented from interfering, the girls make preparations to save Shinobu, Febri and Janie. The next morning, Kuroko, Kazari, Ruiko, Konori, Mitsuko, Kinoho and Maaya step up to face the mechs, whilst Mikoto and Febri head off in search of Janie.