Episode Title:
The Brave Wild Eagle - The Raynos Vs The Zabat.
Episode Description:
Following on from the previous episode, the Zoid Battle Commission and the Blitz team are all up in arms trying to halt the illicit actions of the Backdraft Group. Knowing the enemy utilizes airborne Zabats, based from a Whale King, Dr. Toros buys a Raynos, a high-performance aerial Zoid. He assigns Jamie as the pilot, as he traded in his beloved Pteras in order to buy the Zoid (all without telling him, much to Jamie's horror). His first test runs fail dismally. Disappointed, Dr. Toros reveals the real reason he gave the Raynos to Jamie. He explains that Jamie's father was once a great Raynos Zoid pilot, known as the "Wild Eagle", however, after a serious accident, this legacy came to an abrupt end. Jamie himself had witnessed this event as a child, and as a result, has never preformed daring aerial feats, not once having broken the sound barrier in his Pteras...