Episode Title:
Super powers.
Episode Description:
By some amazing twist of fate, Zoe beats Super Duper in an arm-wrestling match. She immediately deduces that she’s blessed with Super Powers – just like Mighty Man, her favorite comic strip hero. But things go awry when Mariponpon calls on her to save guinea-pig Biscuit, who’s got herself ‘wedged’ underneath the refrigerator! Zoe’s so-called Super Powers turn out to be totally absent! She tries everything in her ‘power’ to get out of this humiliating situation, but her friends bring her back down to Earth with a thump, opening her eyes to the inescapable truth: she is, after all, a normal girl – just like everyone else! But Zoe soon comes to terms with the fact that being a normal girl is not quite as bad as it seems, after all…