Episode Title:
You're in the Super Bowl, Charlie Brown.
Episode Description:
The special begins with Snoopy, as the world-famous Coach, getting his football team, The Birds, ready. It consists entirely of Woodstock and his tiny friends. The announcer says, this game will decide the Eastern Champ for the "AFL" (Animal Football League). They are playing the team "The Cats" a ferocious group of cats. The Birds crush The Cats, 38–0, making them the Eastern champs. The team celebrates by pouring "Chirpade" on the coach (Chirpade is a parody of Gatorade). Then, Lucy asks Charlie Brown to kick a football. Charlie Brown refuses to do it. Lucy then asks him "Are you gonna go through life not trusting anyone? That's no way to live." Charlie Brown decides, she's right, and tries to kick the ball, until Peppermint Patty comes, with Marcie, Franklin, and Linus, and tells Charlie Brown and Lucy, there will be a punt pass and kick contest, and first prize wins a new bicycle, and a trip to the Super Bowl, and they should all enter. While Lucy is looking at the poster for it, Charlie Brown realizes now is his chance to kick the football, and runs up to kick it, but Lucy (as usual) pulls it away, and the round-headed boy lands on his back as a result. While Charlie Brown and Linus are practicing for the contest, they notice a very pretty girl, who catches Linus's attention. They both walk over to her, and introduce themselves to her. The girl says her name is Melody-Melody, and has been watching them. They flirt with her, and take her out for hot fudge sundaes. They then try to impress her, and try to tell her how they'll be entering the punt-and-pass contest. Melody says she will be rooting for them at the contest. Then, The Birds play a football game against The Dogs to figure out which team will be going to the Super Bowl. The Birds crush The Dogs, 58–0, and another drink of Chirpade is poured onto the coach. Then at the punt-and-pass contest, Charlie Brown and Linus see Melody watching them, and they argue who Melody came to watch. The announcer announces every player, and every player gets a better score than the next one, except for Marcie who doesn't want to kick the football (because the football didn't do anything to deserve being kicked)...
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