Episode Title:
Yo-kai Are Real!.
Episode Description:
Nate is introduced into the world of the Yo-kai when he frees the Yo-kai butler Whisper from a capsule machine and receives the Yo-kai Watch, just in time to save his parents' marriage from the unintentional disruption of the Yo-kai Dismarelda with her husband Happierre. Whisper explains more of Yo-kai to Nate just as they find an intersection haunted by the cat Yo-kai Jibanyan, who used to be a living cat until he got hit by a truck, now wanting to prove himself to his former owner; however, Nate's kind words soon make Jibanyan finally believe in himself, and the two become friends, with Nate receiving Jibanyan's Yo-kai Medal as the symbol of their friendship.