Episode Title:
The Problems of Love.
Episode Description:
Darcy and Stormy show up with the Singing Whales of Melody. Icy is not impressed and rather be with Tritannus. Much their dismay they send the whales after the Winx causing a horrible sound. The Winx try to attack but are stopped by Musa, who uses her powers to free. Then they use Sirenix convergence magic to restore the Pillar of Balance. After the Winx return to visit Melody, they go back home to Alfea. Sky wants to call Bloom but then leaves. However Diaspro calls Bloom and lies, saying she will take Sky's calls from now on. The Winx train in the aviary which leads up to saving Flora because of a mess Stella made. The episode ends with Tritannus putting the seal in the throne while Darcy and Stormy plan to make Icy come back to them no matter what it takes.