Episode Title:
Clash of the Lions.
Episode Description:
After trying to take Allura out, Voltron Force travels to Earth to finish the fight with Wade once and for all, but are soon hijacked by Wade's Voltron-controlling device. However, Allura refuses to be apart of the team's assault for revenge instead of having Voltron continue to be the Defender of the Universe. Meanwhile, Coran shares his history with Wade when they were cadets at the Galaxy Alliance Academy and how they were selected to pilot the lions. Wade's downward spiral began when he was rejected by the lions because they sensed he wasn't worthy of piloting them. So he set out to prove himself better than Voltron by building his own war machine. Wade's plan comes into effect when he blasts Voltron with a charge of Corite metal dug from the heart of planet Ariel and this rejects the Voltron Force transferring Wade in its place, forming Wade's face as Voltron's head...