Episode Title:
I Want a Horse
Episode Description:
Einar and Thorfinn continue their back-breaking work to clear their plot of land and realize that they need a horse to more efficiently clear the stumps and plow the land. Their requests for a horse are rejected by the retainers, however Sverkel an old farmer offers to loan them one, but in exchange they have to do chores around his farm. Einar sometimes suspects that they are still being exploited, however the horse enables them to clear the stumps more quickly. One day, after some retainers accuse them of stealing the horse, they discover that Sverkel is Ketil's father. As winter approaches, Sverkel also lends them a plow to till the soil and one day they discover that Snake lives at his farmhouse and cares for the old man in his own way. Snake believes that the huge farm is poorly defended against anyone more than local thieves. Thorfinn gradually develops some respect for farming life and acknowledges Einar as a friend.