Episode Title:
The Eternal Promise.
Episode Description:
While they are gathering allies to defend against Shikeripechim with the help of Urutori of Onkami as their mediator, Teoro came to inform them that Kuccha Keccha attacks Erurū's former village, Yamayura. After Hakuoro deployed his forces to fight Kuccha Keccha, Teoro died of blood loss from his injury. After the battle, they found out about Teoro’s death. Kurou, who checked the situation of the village, informed them that Yamayura has been burned to ashes and all the villagers died. At night, Hakuoro had a drink with Karura. Hakuoro wondered why the villagers didn’t left their village knowing that they won’t stand a chance against Kuccha Keccha. Karura told him that the villagers are deadmen the moment that they have decided to protect their village with their own life. Hakuoro realized what Teoro meant when he said that “they will live in their village until they die” after they parted after Hakuoro become the emperor. At first, Hakuoro didn’t want to attack Kuccha Keccha without knowing their intentions even if it hurts him to see that Yamayura is no more. But after the second attack from Kuccha Keccha, the Tusukuru Empire decided to respond to Kuccha Keccha’s continued attacks, and wage war with them. Arriving in the battlefield, Hakuoro is being targeted by a female enemy soldier named Touka of Evankulga and the enemy’s general named Orikakan, calling him the evil Rakshain and a traitor.