Episode Title:
Crooked Heart
Episode Description:
The others arrive as Ataru, Rupa, Lum and Karula are on top of the tower, Rupa grabs Lum and Lum begs Ataru to save her but due to believing on her clone he rejects Lum and idiotically says he is going to marry Karula. The four begins to fall off the roof, Rupa saves Karula and Ataru falls to save Lum, Lum slaps Ataru and calls out his selfishness and uncaring how distress Lum was in and never stops flirting with other girls, she points out about marrying Karula when he is not even serious about it, Ataru shows the fake marriage registration to Lum and Lum then gets her powers back when her horns grow out, finally being fed with him Lum decides to stay with Rupa...