Episode Title:
Episode Description:
The new stage of the Mini-con hunting opens when Optimus Prime and his team arrive in the Sahara Desert to search for the next Mini-con location. Demolisher lays an ambush there and shells the Autobots. The children set off to clear the matter up. Unexpectedly a sand slide begins. Both the children and Demolisher fall down a mysterious ancient underground palace. There is a picture of a Mini-con on the wall. Rad, Carlos and Alexis discuss this fact: It was told that a tribe woman found the Mini-con centuries ago knowing it was special. Suddenly they find themselves surrounded by terrible metal spider-like creatures, but Demolisher (unwillingly, of course) saves them. While the ′Con deals with the metal spiders, the kids go farther and get into a splendid and stately throne room with a Mini-con panel lying on the throne. Soon Demolisher goes there, too, and sees the Mini-con. But when he tries to catch it, the palace begins to collapse… They all have a miraculous escape… just to find themselves in the thick of the next battle of the Autobots and the Decepticons. Later, after the battle, Megatron demands Demolisher to give the new Mini-con to him. Demolisher attempts to object to his master, but Megatron forces him to obey very soon. Starscream witnesses the scene; though he is not a friend of Demolisher, he understands that Megatron treats him unjustly.