Episode Title:
Episode Description:
Chris puts the two teams in a best-out-of-five game of dodgeball as their challenge. However, since Harold snored all night, Duncan, the Bass' strongest player, who had the bed above Harold's, could not sleep and has to sleep during the challenge. To make matter's worse, Owen and Cody turn out to be experts at dodgeball. When the Screaming Gophers are told they have to sit one person out, Noah immediately volunteers. The Screaming Gophers win the first two games and in order to stop the Killer Bass from losing again, Courtney wakes up Duncan and gets him to play. Using Duncan's strategies, the Killer Bass tie up the challenge 2-2. In the last game, Harold catches a hard-thrown ball from Owen, giving the Killer Bass their first victory. Heather was enraged at both Noah and Lindsey. Noah for not contributing, and Lindsey for flirtng with Tyler. At the campfire ceremony, Noah gets voted off due to refusing to help out his team, and then insulting them later.