Episode Title:
Episode 4
Episode Description:
While fishing with his friends, Tazenbo sees a bunrei of the local dragon god in the river. The man from the previous post-credits scene is revealed to be Gorozaemon Sanmoto, a demon king and famous celebrity. Sanmoto invites Buchio to his office in Tokyo. Buchio meets Sanmoto's secretary, Suzu, who is a fellow nekomata. Back in Fuchigamori, Buchio tells the Ōishis his raison d'être for becoming a nekomata was to repay them for their kindness in raising him. Buchio wonders if he should get a job that aligns with his youkai powers, but Benmaru advises him to follow his passions instead. Buchio attends driving school to obtain a driver's license, and becomes friends with Chiaki, a recently-reborn car tsukumogami...