Episode Title:
Order in Volleyball Court - King Wildmouse - Space Chase.
Episode Description:
Order in Volleyball Court: The volleyball championship play-offs between the challengers Droopy and Dripple against McWolf and his son Stinky, the winner of this game will receive $100,000 and get a chance to have a date with Miss Volley Vavoom.
King Wildmouse: Tom and a hunter (voiced by Jim Cummings) go to the Mouse-co Island to locate Wildmouse where the hunter is too lazy while he tries to get it himself until Wildmouse gets caught in the curiosity mousetrap, when the hunter refuses to share the credit for him, Tom frees Wildmouse from the cage and takes him back home.
Space Chase: Tom and Jerry are selected to go into a space shuttle and test the experiment to see if they can live in peace and harmony on the outer space, but they keep fooling around. The last episode is a Series Finale of Tom & Jerry Kids.