Episode Title:
Saruyama, the Gift.
Episode Description:
Ryouko hears a spaceship flying towards the roof of the school and decides to check it out. It turns out it is a package for Lala, so Ryouko tells Lala to check it out. Lala, Rito, and Saruyama go to the school roof to check out the package, and as Lala opens it, a giant cat jumps out and attempts to kill Lala. The cat then suffers stomach pains and explains that she's pregnant, and that she accepted a mission to kill Lala before she knew her pregnancy would become a problem. Rito, Saruyama, and Lala are appalled to hear this, and so they take the cat mother to the school infirmary. Saruyama is then left in charge of taking care of her while she's giving birth. Lala believes the cat mother deserves a souvenir as a gift for her child's birth. The cat mother then tells Lala that she wants Saruyama as her gift. After hearing this, Saruyama angrily declines. Lala tells Risa and Mio about Saruyama becoming a gift for the cat, and so they decide to dress him up as a fish so he'll look like a more memorable souvenir. They take Saruyama to the cat to show her that he's ready to be taken with her. The cat then asks if Saruyama is going out with another girl, because if he is, she believes his happiness is important and doesn't wish to interfere with his relationship. Lala says he isn't, but Saruyama quickly declines and takes advantage of this moment to find a girl quickly as an excuse to not be taken as a souvenir. All the girls in the school reject him however, except for Haruna who tries to help him. As Saruyama asks Haruna to go out with him, Rito becomes jealous and stops Saruyama from using Haruna. Now incredibly desperate for an excuse, Saruyama finds a dog outside which he uses as his excuse. As he goes back to the infirmary to show the cat mother his newly acquired girlfriend, Lala tells them that she left with her baby because she wants Saruyama to be happy. Saruyama cries from hearing this, and then discovers the dog he found was actually a male.