Episode Title:
Return to Thundera Episode IV.
Episode Description:
Mumm-Ra sends Ma-Mutt, disguised as Mandora, to free the Mutants from Captain Bragg's circus train and sends Bragg and Crowman falling into deep space. The Mutants are then ordered by Mumm-Ra to get rid of Tygra and Pumyra. The Mutants attack Snowman on Hook Mountain, Snowmeow gets Pumyra for help, and Tygra contacts the real Mandora to save Bragg and Crowman. Together, they recapture the Mutants. Meanwhile, on New Thundera, the earthquake tremors grow worse and the new Cats' Lair collapses, trapping Snarf in the ruins. Lion-O uses the sword to contact the other ThunderCats and they rush to Cats' Lair to save Snarf.