Episode Title:
Bodo Bother.
Episode Description:
Lamprey, Firehead and Siebenpunkt can hardly believe their eyes: something delicious to eat jumps out of a thing that we call a "toaster" and which is set up in one of the caravans on the nearby campsite! Is that a magic trick? Or what? Such a machine would set the goblins' table once and for all. Without doing anything, the thing would throw out food right into their gaping mouths! Excited by such prospects, our friends set out to steal this marvel. Unfortunately, they're not the only ones targeting the toaster. The white man and his faithful followers, Roughbrick and Rottentooth, are also lying in wait. And as if there weren't enough difficulties, Teufelblick, the resident territorial cat - hissing wildly and with bitterly sharp claws - and Grobklotz' pet animal, a stinking flea, also get involved in the predatory game