Episode Title:
The Return of Tsul 'Kalu.
Episode Description:
The Saturdays return to their headquarters to retrieve tomes from Drew's library and are ambushed by Tsul 'Kalu, a cryptid whose hand relic now resides at the end of Zak's Claw. It turns out he was the one who blinded Doc's eye when Zak accidentally caused a rockslide, destroying an important stone relic. Zak finally defeats him and learns a valuable lesson through visions (what the Tsul 'Kalu feared most) caused by the Claw in the creature's presence. By the end of the episode Tsul 'Kalu gives Zak his staff showing that he thinks he deserves it and becomes his ally. Meanwhile Doyle and Van Rook are in Morocco to find the cryptid black market (following the lead given to them by Baron Finster), are ambushed by Abby, Munya and Argost. Doyle beats Abby in a fight while Van Rook protects a cryptid dealer. As it turned out, Argost was really after an orange ape-like cryptid the dealer had in his possession.