Episode Title:
The Starry Awards / Blorpsgiving
Episode Description:
The Starry Awards: After seeing GrandPat and Cecil feuding over who gets to keep Patrick's #1 dad mug, Patrick decides to host an award ceremony, finding out who and what's the best in each part of the series. Disturbed by the spotlights being set around her house for the show, Granny Tentacles tries to axe Patrick as a form of retaliation.
Blorpsgiving: In a Thanksgiving special, Captain Doug P. Quasar is forced to travel with his dimwitted sidekick Pat-Tron to his home planet TronTron after a peace treaty negotiation goes wrong. There, they celebrate Blorpsgiving where Quasar falls in love with Pat-Tron's Swedish cousin Inga-Tron, but struggles to adapt to the Trons' way of life.