Episode Title:
Fear Itself.
Episode Description:
Mogoca (Asia) - Genghis Khan had stored his treasure in Mogoca, hopefully including the scrolls. When the team arrives, they find only a handful of items. The rest was confiscated by the government and is in the Oktober Palace near Leningrad, over two thousand miles away. With Imhotep hot on their trail, the team boards the Zephyr and heads toward the palace. While exploring the palace, Alex finds Russian Stacking dolls. Inside is a fear demon, called a Gogle, which is released by Alex's playing with the dolls - but he doesn't know it yet. The fear demon invades the minds of the team, one at a time, making them see things they fear, and feeding off those fears. As they become more terrified, the demon grows, and the fears become worse. Evy sees herself as an old woman; Rick sees the corridors changing, becoming longer; Jonathan is attacked by a painting. After defeating the Gogle, the Manacle lights the way to a chest that contains ... part of the Scrolls! Not the whole set, of course, it's just a page, but still, it's a piece! Alex has an idea, and puts the Gogle in the chest. The Mummy shows up and demands the chest, thinking it still contains the Scrolls. They hand it over, and watch. The Gogle may have been defeated by the team, but not by Imhotep and Colin - and their worst fears are realized! Imhotep is taken by the Pharaoh's soldiers. As the team leaves, the Gogle is growing larger, and Imhotep is placed in a coffin!