Episode Title:
A Gentle Death
Episode Description:
In the past young Doroka experience the attack and destruction by human soldiers and her friend Mia tells her to run to Madam Ophelia for safety. A wounded Doroka slowly dies, and Adonis uses magic to send bullets back at the soldiers. Eekhout shots at Adnois but it is stopped and is send back at him in gigantic size, Eekhout dies by the impact. Yamato's sister Yuki wants to use the magic suppression device but is stopped by Theta, Yamato gets a call from Theta who tells about Human Cellular Dysfunction Diseas; the soldiers were affected by particles from the devices during the witch hunts 10 years ago soon died as the device kills cells. Because there are no more witches left to restore the natural environment and cleanse harmful rays are gone. Meaning using the device on wide range will cause people to be exposed by particles and eventually die by it, Goethe stood before the device which caused Goethe's illness. However, Yuki still wants to active the device for the Redia Empire despite the illnesses, Theta stops this but both Yuki and Theta are exposed hard. Adonis is weakened and a woman soldier then beheads him, the incident is over and Goethe speaks about the "greatness" of the Redia Empire. Chief Oz talks to Charmy about analysis on Adonis and Charmy discover the body is a fake. Adonis wakes up somewhere.