Episode Title:
Blasteroid / The Big Sneeze
Episode Description:
Red alert! A huge asteroid is heading right for the Planet Earth! How can it be destroyed? With the space ship Jon designed a few years back? The only problem is it's only big enough for a dog and a cat to pilot it. No problem, Garfield and Odie decide to take on the mission, which turns out to be very dangerous, but extremely satisfying.
The Big Sneeze:
Atchooo! It's crazy, Jon can't stop... atchoo!... sneezing. He must be allergic to something, but what? It's funny, as soon as Garfield gets anywhere near him... Atchoooo! Quick! Time to run some tests... Phew, they're negative. He's not allergic to cat fur. A shrink suggests Jon is letting out some repressed anger.