Episode Title:
Shadow Garden Is Born
Episode Description:
Kagenou is reborn in an alternate world as Cid Kagenou, son of minor nobles Baron and Lady Kagenou and older sister Claire. In keeping with his previous life Cid trains in secret and resumes his vigilante lifestyle by killing bandits. Cid discovers a living blob of rotting flesh and succeeds in curing the curse afflicting it, returning it to its true form; an elven girl. To amuse himself Cid, in character as Eminence in Shadow, convinces the girl she is a descendant of ancient heroes who defeated a demon called Diablos, but a Cult is seeking to resurrect Diablos. Believing his lies the girl agrees to form a group called Shadow Garden to resist the cult. Cid gives her the name Alpha but secretly is amused Alpha believed his made up story. Three years later Claire is abruptly kidnapped. Alpha, who has now recruited six girls as the Shadow Seven, locates Claire and confirms she was kidnapped by the Cult of Diablos...