Episode Title:
Napkin Girl / Invention Tension / The Perfect Present / Get Well Soon
Episode Description:
Napkin Girl:
Mr. Anthony notices that Liam is sitting by himself while the rest of the students are on a dance break, dancing which Liam usually loves. Liam says his body is feeling all limp and mopey in his sadness over his mom going on a trip without him, she who he will miss. Sarah, his babysitter, will be looking after him while his mom is gone, Sarah who he likes nonetheless...
Invention Tension:
May-Ling, during art class, is proud of her painting of flowers, which reminds her of her pretty garden at home. She becomes frustrated when she accidentally spills water on the painting, in her mind ruining it as what was the still wet paint has run together. In the process, her face gets hot, she becomes all "grrr", and she never wants to paint again...
The Perfect Present:
Mr. Anthony and the students are playing castle. Zahara gives Liam a present of a royal garage where he can park all the royal cars. He believes it's the perfect present and wants to give Zahara a perfect present in return, but he doesn't know what to give her, which, in his anxiousness, is making him feel all jittery inside and making his forehead feel all scrunchy...
Get Well Soon:
May-Ling's tummy isn't feeling very good, her mother who has come to take her home. Empathetic Amelia, May-Ling's best friend, started feeling sad when she knew that May-Ling was feeling sad, she as a result having the sad sniffles. To get rid of the sad sniffles, Mr. Anthony shows Amelia how to do the happy tap, which helps, but still doesn't stop Amelia from feeling sad about May-Ling...