Episode Title:
It's Suddenly Time to Say Goodbye.
Episode Description:
A comet is coming and it has got Mikael worried for Noelle. Yuusuke and Natsumi are chosen to be the class representatives on the committee for the school's Durian festival to celebrate the comet (that looks like a durian fruit). Yuusuke has a chat with Kai, learning about the relationship between Kai, Natsumi, and Natsumi's dead brother Fuyuki. Kai was always in love with Natsumi but she only ever saw him as Fuyuki's friend, then when Fuyuki died she started to hang around Kai more (likely using him as a replacement for Fuyuki). Mikael speaks to Yuusuke, telling him to not let Noelle out of his sight and Yuusuke goes to find her...