Episode Title:
The Flavor of Consolation: Tarte Tatin
Episode Description:
Lutoroute learns of Squale’s survival and, fearing Kadlececk might decide to get involved even though Petra hasn’t married Squale yet, is forced to retreat. Squale is deeply affected by his first experience of death and isolates himself in depression. Recalling Pastry helped Marc with his depression, Casserole asks Pastry to help. Squale is plagued by guilt over his men who died. At the victory ball Squale presents Tarte Tatin, a dessert made with baked bonkas. Pastry explains the dessert was originally created by mistake and yet was a success anyway. Squale realises just because he made mistakes doesn’t mean he failed; the battle was won and he returned to Petra safely. Hubareck offers Pastry a reward, leading to Pastry receiving his goats, along with horses and supplies that should have been sent to Lunzvage, and even the wine press Pastry wanted. Licorice is invited to the Royal Capital with Petra so Pastry is immediately dispatched to the city to order a dress for Licorice suitable for the occasion. With access to goat milk and sugar Pastry makes Licorice a cheesecake, and with the extra supplies from Hubareck he is able to begin experimenting with different types of fruit.