Episode Title:
The Animals Come to Town
Episode Description:
Joy is a young boy living in the township of Nairobi, he discovers that in the city, the animals of the national park have escaped and are walking around, including a baby lion named Kimba. He orders a tablet from Jett to bring the animals back to the park, but once they arrive, they find themselves facing Golden Boy and his new sidekick: Golden Wheels. Can Jett and Joy stop them before they cause more damage and get Kimba the lion cub back?
Package item : A tactile tablet to communicate with animals for Joy
Word of this episode : Kamilii (Perfect in Swahili)
Super Wings World Guardians helper : Paul and Claw
Super Ball Power used : Animal Power
Note : At the start of this episode of this season, Golden Boy is showing teaming up with a new accomplice, Golden Wheels.