Episode Title:
Moon Remembers/Swim Suit.
Episode Description:
Moon Remembers: Star, Marco and River return to the monster temple with Moon, whose memory still has not fully returned. Star convinces Marco and Eclipsa to keep her mother in the dark about Globgor, but she eventually discovers him anyway. Contrary to what they were expecting though, Moon claims to understand Eclipsa wanting him back and the two get along fine. Despite this, however, Moon still can not get herself to trust Eclipsa and decides to leave with River, choosing not to oppose her rule out of respect for Star's decision to cede the throne to her.
Swim Suit: While preparing to go to the beach with Marco and Tom, Star is called by Eclipsa, who reveals that she got into a fight with Magic High Commission member Rhombulus, who created Globgor's crystal prison, to get him to undo the spell. Star attempts to get the two to peacefully reconcile, only for them to end up fighting again. Eclipsa uses a spell that causes her and Rhombulus to switch bodies in order to undo Globgor's prison. However, Star convinces her to stop by pointing out that she will just prove herself to be the villain everyone claims her to be. Afterwards, Rhombulus angrily leaves, while Marco and Tom, seeing it is too late to go to the beach, make a kiddie pool to cheer Star up.