Episode Title:
Mission and Family / The Elegant Bondman / The Heart of a Child / Waking Up
Episode Description:
"Mission and Family": When the SSS suspect a former reporter named Franklin Perkin is sending anti-Ostania articles to Westalis, Yuri is assigned to observe him and gather evidence. Eventually after collecting sufficient proofs that Franklin has been secretly taking photos along with writing works with falsified narratives and sending them secretly via his post office job, Yuri arrests Franklin but not before asurring him that his father's wellbeing will be taken care of.
"The Elegant Bondman": Anya watches an episode of Spy Wars where the main character Bondman gathers a harem of beautiful girls, only for his harem to beat him violently after Bondman refuses to choose only one of them to be his girlfriend.
"The Heart of a Child / Waking Up": Loid has a hard time understanding Anya after he and Yor take her out for fun. / In the morning, Damian wakes up early to study before school while Anya sleeps in and thus being late.