Episode Title:
Comet Run Part 2.
Episode Description:
Trillionaire Dickie Ranford challenges anyone who dares face him to a three-day race inside the virtual track, against his new eco-car, which will run on only one tank of gasoline for the entire run. Speed competes, as winning Ranford's industry will finally enable him to finish refining the Mach 6. Zile also participates, intending to beat Ranford at his game and crush the Mach 6. By the second day of the race, both the Mach 6 and Chim-Chim get smashed by a canyon avalanche overnight. Speed uses his wits to go forward by using the natural elements to their advantage. At first, they think Zile tricked them into going the wrong direction. But they soon discover that it was Ranford who caused the avalanche and wrecked their car... and that his Eco-car is only keeping the emissions building up inside the front hood and he is actually storing leaded gasoline in Ranford Cola bottles to use for later, proving him a complete fraud. Speed shares the secret of the eco-car to Zile, who reluctantly lets Speed pass ahead of him so he can beat Ranford for him. At the finish line, Speed wins first place, and Ranford's car breaks down, earning him last place, but costing him his secret, and his reputation. When Speed starts planning his future with the industry, the press shares that Ranford industries went bankrupt and that the only things left were 2500 desks, chairs, staplers and a six pack of Ranford cola.