Episode Title:
Save Nana! Guardian Character Nurses, Move Out?.
Episode Description:
Nana becomes sick which leads to Lulu becoming very worried. She asks Amu for help, but hangs up after finding out that she is no help. However, Amu drops by Lulu's house to visit Nana. Lulu and Amu go off to buy Nana's favorites while Amu's Guardian Characters nurse her. After Nana refuses to eat, Lulu trips on the waste basket and finds out that Nana ate all of the banana yokan. Now that they know what the cause of Nana's fever is, Amu decides to go home when Lulu's mom asks Amu to sleep-over. Lulu's mom explains that she wants Lulu to become as carefree again. When Amu wakes up the next morning, Lulu thanks her. Nana is fully recovered, and temporarily forgetting that Amu and her Guardian Characters are still present, she gives away that Lulu was the one extracting ? Eggs.