Episode Title:
Episode 3.
Episode Description:
In 1941, Kikuhiko studies rakugo at night under Yakumo and goes to school during the day, but becomes dejected as Shin progresses faster than he does as he already left school. Bon loves the theatre and one night meets Ochiyo, a shamisen student who becomes his girlfriend, but later she has to return to the country. Rakugo began losing popularity because of its erotic and bawdy tales, and the practitioners began self-censorship. As the war progresses, Yakumo decides to take Shin with him to entertain troops, but sends Kikuhiko to the country with his wife. Time passes and after a year they don’t hear from the master however Kikuhiko recites rakugo stories to himself. After the war, Kikuhiko and the master's wife returned to Tokyo and he begins to work as a futatsume (二ツ目, the middle rank of rakugo) performer at dinners. Suddenly Yakumo and Shin return home unannounced. When rakugo becomes in demand again, Kikuhiko and Shin strike out on their own. One day a woman named Miyokichi arrives at Yakumo's home.