Episode Title:
Sixteenth Skull.
Episode Description:
Sunako's past is briefly recalled, and the story of how she became a shiki becomes clear. Seishirou Kirishiki sees Toru leaving flowers and tells him that it will only make things worse, and then tells him that Sunako has summoned him. Nao, angry that none of her family have risen, swears vengeance to kill other happy families around her. Toru is extremely scared by the summons from Sunako, as it usually accompanies dire punishments that can even lead to death. Sunako offers him some tea, and Toru explains that shiki cannot eat food, but can still drink liquids if they want to. Sunako starts talking to Toru about how troubled he is of killing Natsuno, which Toru explains that it is only natural for him to feel bad. Sunako then tells him that she once knew a girl like that in her past, then starts telling the story. During the story, Sunako replaces the girl with herself and Toru figures out that this is Sunako's own past. After Sunako became a shiki, her family had hidden her away in a shed and brought a maiden every night for her to kill. One night she decided to run away back into her home, but sees that her own family has moved away and another family has moved into her old house. She then started to look for her family, and she didn't give up even when it was only natural that they would all have died with old age. Next, the recently risen Tanaka (father of Kaori and Akira) is blaming Megumi for turning him into a shiki...