Episode Title:
On the Palm of One's Hand.
Episode Description:
Satou is held hostage by an Outlaw - Widened Eye of Incineration, Ernest Flieder, who believes that this way he'll coerce Wilhelmina to join them in battle. His partner, the Scatterer of Sparkling Light, Rebecca Reed, frees Satou and sends him back to Margery Daw with Wilhelmina's reports. Rebecca flies to Wilhelmina, a long-time friend and ally, and Sophie Sawallisch makes Emest the commander of the Tokyo Outlaw Headquarters. Meanwhile, at the Serei-den, Shana wonders why she was so powerless Yuji and so scared of him when he tried to touch her. She remembers when her trainer, Shiro, told her that one day she will find the greatest power that can bring even a God upon its knees, then he asked to her to hold his hand. Shana then remembers how every enemy she fought, held hands with someone and she recognizes the greatest power of love that lies on the palm of Yuji's hand and understands what Shiro meant back then. Suddenly, there's a loud noise and upon investigation sees dead bodies and above them - the Master Throne, Hecate. Hecate declares that Shana is no longer needed.