Episode Title:
Koneko Monogatari (The Adventures of Chatran).
Episode Description:
Nagasumi finds a kitten and brings it to school, discovering that Sun, Lunar, and Maki are all morbidly ailurophobic, including Sun's father, Gozaburo. Nagasumi decides to use this to finally get the upper hand on Gozaburo and carries the kitten around with him all day. Unwilling to lose to Nagasumi Gozaburo calls in his three elite mermaid guard who transfer into Nagasumi's class and make several attempts to beat him up. However they are also afraid of cats and run away. Furious, Gozaburo pulls the fire alarm, evacuating the school. Gozaburo and his guard next target Nagasumi's secret weapon, the kitten, by hurling it into the river where it ends up being rescued by Maki. Gozaburo and his guards are all severely punished by Sun's mother, Ren, for causing all sorts of trouble. The episode ends with the kitten licking Maki, who is less than thrilled.