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Back at base, Gretel and Irisdina grill Theodor about Lise's loyalties, and he asserts that she's loyal to him and not a Stasi plant. They also reveal that with the activation of a BETA hive in Minsk, East Germany will soon be overwhelmed with a new BETA assault. Along with all of this, the Stasi is on the verge of taking over the military, having arrested many NPA officials. Axmann arrives with a TSF squadron, briefly arresting Irisdina for "counterrevolutionary statements" during the earlier battle, and accusing Lise of being a Stasi spy. Later, Gretel reveals she's learned of a schism within the Stasi, between a "Moscow faction" loyal to the Soviet KGB and led by Beatrix and Major General Erich Schmidt, versus Axmann's "Berlin faction". Gretel and Theodor travel to Berlin to find anti-Stasi allies, where they are picked up by Major General Franz Heim, who is also leading an anti-Stasi faction. Heim warns them that the Stasi will use the immenent BETA attack as cover to launch a coup d'état. At Bebersee, Lise looks in Katia's locket, finding a picture of her father, and accuses her of plotting something in league with Theodor and Irisdina. Lise catches Theodor talking with Irisdina and begs him to believe she is loyal to him. Later, Lise lures Theodor to her quarters, where she seduces him.