Episode Title:
Get Past the 100% Mark.
Episode Description:
With the attack by Ryu Kaizel during the Brothers, Torn Apart episode, the location of the Grand Prix, the Ditona Circuit, no longer exists and Professor Zero continues to be missing. While countless other circuits around the Universe exist, not all of them have the necessary resources to host the largest Scan2Go racing event of the season. The decision of the new location or to cancel is up to the Scan2Go Masters Council. The decision comes down to two locations Earth and Ecotopia. The council decides to hold a Scan2Go race to decide the location. The race will be between the best of both worlds. Earth chooses Kaz Gordon and Ecotopia chooses Nickle to fight it out at Fever Circuit. Who will win and to what lengths will Nickle go to win and how hard can Kaz push for Earth?