Episode Title:
Something in the Cave.
Episode Description:
Ronja and Birk awaken at dawn in the cave due to the cold and start their day together "free." When Birk resolves to fetch his crossbow for protection Ronja decides to make herself a bow by using Birk's knife. The two go about the forest to fetch supplies and return to the cave only to hear something inside. Together they enter the cave and realize it's only Gray Dwarfs so they drive them out of the cave by screaming. Birk discovers one loaf of bread has been eaten by the creatures, reducing the two's provisions but Ronja says they can collect what they need from the forest. Later that day Ronja succeeds in making her bow and at night she wonders if Birk and she are missed by their families. She doubts Mattis misses her after having denounced her as his child but has a dream where Mattis is crying a lake of tears over her.