Episode Title:
There Are Two Kinds of Humans.
Episode Description:
As Kyrie, Morte, and Taupy arrive on the continent, they are informed that the cherry trees have been removed, as it is legend that the cherry trees blossomed from the blood of beastmen. They are guided to an extinct cherry tree. However, Kyrie accidentally breaks off a branch of the tree, which later frightens the residential beastmen. Kyrie and Taupy rendezvous with Agan, who tels them that the cherry tree is cursed, bringing bad luck to the one who harms it. They later explain the situation to Morte. Naja and Rhi'a arrive on the continent, and Agan tells them where Kyrie, Morte, and Taupy are located, also explaining the situation. Kyrie, Morte, and Taupy meet a young man, named Jade, who is to meet his fiancée under the cherry tree. It is later revealed that the cherry tree is not cursed, as it was a rumor spread by Jade in order to protect the cherry tree. Kyrie and Taupy construct a plan to fake the curse of the cherry tree. However, things go wrong when Naja and Rhi'a show up at the scene. Rhi'a transforms into a dragon, viciously attacking Kyrie and Taupy. Kyrie and Taupy run toward a river, with Naja and Rhi'a behind them. Through some unknown force, a bridge collapses, making the residential beastmen believe that the curse is true. After the plan carries out well, Jade goes to see Kyrie and Taupy before his departure. Meanwhile, Morte was investigating about Jade's history, and it is discovered that the young man died decades ago. As the three depart, it is revealed that the fiancée is still alive.