Episode Title:
Chance Meeting of a Boy and a Child
Episode Description:
Amit is worried because Jormungand is not back yet from his mission; meanwhile, he defends citizens from rebels. When he finally comes back, he returns Amit's good luck charm and tells her to give it to someone more deserving, breaking her heart. Sariphi asks him why he returned it, and when he refuses to answer, Lante challenges him to a duel. Jormungand wins, but Leonhart notices that his arm was injured in his mission. Amit treats it and he explains that he felt getting careless made him unworthy of her charm. She persuades him to take it back. In the human lands, Ilya finds two beasts kidnapping a child. He drives them off, but is shocked to find the boy is a beast named Maalo. Maalo explains that the kidnappers were hired by humans to capture beasts to be stuffed or put in freak shows. Maalo becomes attached to Ilya, to his annoyance, but Ilya is surprised to find that he acts almost exactly like a human and is amazed to see flowers for the first time. Two human knights show up demanding Maalo. Ilya says he does not care about him and lets them take him, but when Maalo begs for help, he is reminded of his sister and fights the knights off. Remembering how Sariphi said beasts are just like humans, Ilya takes Maalo to the Ozmargo border and tells him to go home. In Maasya, some rebels plot against the king, but someone comes and says they have just been conscripted.