Episode Title:
Where You Belong
Episode Description:
Team RWBY use the chaos to enter the Nightmare's domain again. Nega Weiss contains the battle with Big Nicholas and sends Yang and Blake outside of the Empire, where they come across a dilapidated building. The Nightmare's vines spread throughout the city, trapping dream versions of Ren, Nora, and a few of the child Weiss's. Jaune manages to escape with dream Pyrrha and few more child Weiss's and they take refuge in the train, which the Nightmare cannot touch due to a giant sword Jaune had obtained when entering the dream initially. Ruby loses the yellow relic and regroups with Jaune and the others. Feeling as though she had failed, Ruby falls victim to the Nightmare due to the wound on her hand. The Nightmare destroys the white relic that was in Nega Weiss's possession.