Episode Title:
Himura Dojo in Shimonoseki?.
Episode Description:
While the group are eating at a restaurant, a gang called the Tengu creates a disturbance, in which Yahiko and Misao take them outside and fight them. Then a man claiming to be the legendary manslayer arrives and scares them away. The group is concerned about lodging since there is no room left. They reluctantly make their way up to the temple of the impostor and notices that there is a dojo managed there. The group unwillingly helps out the impostor, therefore having a place to stay. The Tengu group is getting restless and hires a swordsman to kill the fake Battousai. The swordsman arrives at the dojo, demanding to fight the fake Battousai. Kenshin comes back from shopping and saves the impostor by defeating the swordsman. Kenshin later allows him to keep the name of the legendary manslayer, and the group sets sail to go back home.