Episode Title:
The Crew Builds a School / The Crew Builds a Waterway
Episode Description:
The Crew Builds a School: Mayor Greatway arrives at the Bark Yard when she sees the art that Mix made and wants to teach an art class. Unfortunately, Mayor Greatway forgot to have a school built and she needs it done before the First day of school. As Rubble & Crew work on building the school, Mayor Greatway enlists Juniper to not let any kids near the area of the school until construction is complete. As Mix works to figure out what type of art she would teach, Rubble & Crew suffer a setback when they set off an underground stream and fills the hole which a family of ducks move in to. Now Rubble & Crew must come up with a construction solution as Mayor Greatway orders Juniper to continue stalling until construction is complete.
The Crew Builds a Waterway: Farmer Zoe is holding her first ever farmers' market. However, her lettuce crops are wilting as Rubble & Crew state that they will need a lot of water for it. Truffles helps them trace the nearest water supply to the river where Crunchy the Beaver lives. Rubble & Crew proceed to build a waterway there so that the water can go directly to Farmer Zoe's crops. When the waterway is built, it is tested on Farmer Zoe's crops. However, a complication occurs when Crunchy builds a dam to forward the water to his swimming pool. Now Rubble & Crew must work to have the water shared between Farmer Zoe and Crunchy before the farmers' market begins.