Episode Title:
Always Be Brownies / Mystery Meat.
Episode Description:
Always Be Brownies: April and Splinter encounter a gang of dangerous middle school brownie sellers at the time when April is selling cookies as part of a fundraiser to save the trees. What they soon discover is that these girl scouts are working for Grandma C.J. who is the alias of the Foot Recruit in her plans to get to world domination.
Mystery Meat: Baron Draxum is up for a lunch person award from the Superintendent of Cafeterias Vivian Slopworth. Thanks to an Oozesquito getting loose, Draxum's mystery meat concoction comes to life and terrorizes April's school by targeting every food there and eating it to grow big. When Michelangelo shows up, Draxum must defeat this creation called Sloppy Joseph without making use of his mystic abilities or endangering the school.