Episode Title:
Ricksy Business.
Episode Description:
Jerry and Beth participate in a reenactment of Titanic, but the ship unexpectedly fails to sink. Jerry spends some time alone with Lucy, a female janitor who eventually proves to be a deranged fan of the movie, forcing him to imitate scenes with her at gunpoint. She almost rapes Jerry, but Beth saves him. Meanwhile, Rick is left in charge of Morty and Summer, but they have a large party. Among the guests are teenagers, aliens, Gearhead, Squanchy, alternate Ricks and Abradolf Lincler (a DNA combination of Adolf Hitler and Abraham Lincoln). Not only do they make a mess, but the whole house is accidentally sent into another dimension, where Lincler seemingly dies (he actually survives). Ultimately, the guests are sent away and the house is returned to its place. Rick, Morty and Summer only have minutes to spare before Beth and Jerry arrive, so they use a contraption to freeze time, allowing them to repair the house. They watch Titanic and unanimously agree on how terrible it is.