Episode Title:
The Die is Cast
Episode Description:
Both Revenger teams play a dangerous game of cat and mouse as they attempt to draw each other out. Meanwhile, the Chapel nun asks Gerald why he continues to let Usui's group operate freely, and he replies that Usui still has his uses. He also plans to distribute the opium to destabilize Japan so that an independent Christian state can be founded in Kyushu. Soji then confronts Usui about his reasons for inducting Kurima into the group. Usui reveals that he had delivered a hairpin to Yui in Hirata's stead after his death and informed her that Kurima killed him. Believing that Kurima deceived her to murder her father and steal his property, Yui bit a gold coin to issue a grudge against Kurima before killing herself. After realizing Kurima was used, Usui couldn't bring himself to kill him. Soji then considers using Yui's bitten gold as a pretext to kill Kurima but changes his mind when Kurima saves him from Sada's sniper. Meanwhile, Teppa and Nio manage to trace the opium to a British lighthouse just off the coast but are detected in the process. With the opium located, Usui and his Revengers prepare to assault the lighthouse and face off against Sada's Revengers.