Episode Title:
Episode 2
Episode Description:
Leon, Jason, and Shen May head in their submarine into Chinese waters while Claire researches into what happened to the Mad Dogs. Their mission is also shown during a flashback in which the Mad Dogs rescued a survivor, but could only bring back his infected body. While on the submarine, rat-like B.O.W.s attack and kill the crew. Leon, Jason and Shen May evacuate the submarine together in an escape pod before it self-destructs. The destruction is blamed on a nearby Chinese fleet by Defense Secretary Wilson. It is revealed in a Shanghai safe house that Shen May and Jason are working together to expose Wilson for his involvement in Penamstan, where the Mad Dogs were infected when they interfered with the testing of B.O.W. soldiers. Leon refuses to help Jason and Shen May. As he confronts them, he apparently shoots Jason to death while Shen May escapes.