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Episode Description:
After Michelle keeps him from shooting Nancy, Junior finds himself temporarily allied with the heroes, as they try to figure out the truth of the matters at hand. Yomiko hides in the attic with Nancy, too upset to talk, but later she finds the courage to confesses to the others about why she lied to Nancy about the death of Junior. She explains that she was distraught after learning that the British Library planned to use Junior as the new vessel as the new Mr. Gentleman, causing Yomiko to run into hiding with Nancy after being unable to save Junior. An upset Junior phases into the "Book of the All Seeing Eye" and projects a holographic recording of the events leading up to the fire. It is revealed that Yomiko temporarily lost control of herself and caused an enormous fire at the British Library. This also reminds Anita of this event, when she saw Yumiko from within the flames.